Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits

  • Networking Opportunities
  • Access to Worldwide and Nationwide Network of Chambers
  • Trade Mission and Trade Information
  • Letters of Introduction
  • Access to information and Opportunities
  • Platform to lobby issues
  • Media coverage on Members’ interests
  • Exposure on the Internet
  • Discount rate on combined advertising
  • E-mail discussions and event notification
  • Discounts on training and seminars
  • Lunch with guest speakers in any Chamber venue at member’s rates
  • Quarterly business networking nights
  • Informal member’s functions

Types of Membership and Annual Fees

  • Financial members (with voting privileges)
  • Corporate – $ 200.00 [Up to three (3) members with only one vote]
  • Individual – $100.00
  • Associate members (without voting privileges)
  • Individual Student – $ 50.00
  • Affiliate Members (without voting privileges) – $ 0
  • Honorary Members (without voting privileges) – $ 0

Membership Terms and Conditions

  • There are four types of memberships:
    • Financial Members
    • Associate Members
    • Affiliate Members
    • Honorary Members
  • Only Financial Members are entitled to vote and enjoy all other membership privileges. There are two types of Financial Members:
    • Corporate – Up to three (3) members with only one vote
    • Individual – One vote per individual
  • Associate Members enjoy membership privileges except voting rights.
    • Individual Student
  • Affiliate Members are members of organizations or clubs who enjoy reciprocal membership privileges without the obligation of paying membership fees except the right to vote.
  • Honorary Membership is bestowed to individuals by Executive Committee decision who have rendered outstanding service to the Chamber and enjoy the privileges of an Associate Member without the obligation of paying membership fees.
  • New members must be sponsored by at least one financial member of CCIAP Inc and seconded by another financial member.
  • Membership is for one year commencing on the date the application is ratified at a monthly Board meeting
  • Membership renewed within 2 months of expiry date will be considered a RENEWAL.
  • Membership renewed after 2 months of expiry date will be considered a NEW APPLICANT subject to membership approval.
  • Members are subject to the provisions of the Chamber’s Constitution, Policies and Rules promulgated by the Executive Committee.

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