CCIAP Christmas Party

Date posted: March 30, 2009

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Australia Philippines Incorporated held its last function of the the year last Friday, Dec. 8, at the Brazilian Touch Restaurant. We decided to veer from our usual Filipino inspired evenings and add a bit of Brazilian flavour to our party and enjoy the evening with good food, dancing, and the show with Brazilian dancers moving to the rhythmic beat of the pulsating Samba music.

The company was great! Our special guest, Sally Anne Atkinson, dropped by for the dinner and the show. Connie and George da Cunha – who is a Brazilian himself – enjoyed themselves samba-ing the night away. Dan and Carol Rodriguez couldn’t keep themselves away from the dance floor. Teresa Keating invited her partners, Luba Kazovsky and Abe van der Walt, and friends – Geraldine, Ruffa, Bernadette and Jenny. They all succumbed to the wonderful beat and rhythm of the music and joined in the fun. Agnes Whiten was tireless with her dancing while Manny and Lucy Paneda looked on happily. Other guests that joined in the fun were Mhar Tepace and partner, Ross Lloyd, Keith Campbell, Noemi Furlanger, Edwin and Therese Merchant. A great time was had by all!

The Chamber will be “signing off” for the holidays and will have its first official function in February – for our first Monday networking session. See you all then!

From the members of the Executive Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Australia Philippines Incorporated – a very Happy Christmas to all and a prosperous New Year!

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